[WebRTC] 透過 WebRTC 做到P2P對談(2) – Client 連接、登入、登出篇
上一篇 我們說到如何架設一台 websocket server 作為 signaling server ,今天我們來做做client 這一端,我們這篇文章要做到跟Signaling Server 聯繫,然後登入,還有登出畫面像是這樣,我盡量簡單化,不會讓過多物件去干擾,每一個事件,我都有進行記錄列出來,方便觀察
其實首先,第一格步驟當網頁執行的時候,應該就要跟signaling server 聯繫 ,當成功時候會收到type:hello 並且列出server的message : Welcome to connet Signaling Server
//connecting to our signaling server //請帶入自己WS server 的ip位置 var wsConn = new WebSocket('ws://'); // Connection var yourConn; wsConn.onopen = function () { AddLog('Connected to the signaling server.', 'b'); };
再來建立起跟singaling server連線後,就是登入的部分
// Person 1 Login $('#btnLoginPerson1').click(function () { name = 'PERSON1'; send({ type: "login", name: name }); });
//when we got a message from a signaling server wsConn.onmessage = function (msg) { console.log("Got message :", msg); try { var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); switch (data.type) { case "login": handleLogin(data); break; //when somebody wants to call us case "offer": AddLog(data.name + "進入了!!", 'r'); handleOffer(data.offer, data.name); break; case "answer": handleAnswer(data.answer); break; //when a remote peer sends an ice candidate to us case "candidate": handleCandidate(data.candidate); break; case "leave": AddLog('登出成功 ', 'b'); handleLeave(); break; case "hello": AddLog(data.message, 'b'); //alert(data.message); break; default: break; } } catch (e) { console.log('signaling server error : ' + msg.data + " 。Exception Message :" + e); AddLog('signaling server error : ' + msg.data + " 。Exception Message :" + e, 'r'); } }; wsConn.onerror = function (err) { AddLog("Web Socket Connection 發生錯誤 : " + JSON.stringify(err), 'r'); }; function send(message) { //attach the other peer username to our messages if (connectedUser) { message.name = connectedUser; } wsConn.send(JSON.stringify(message)); };
其中有些code 我會在下一篇說到,這一篇主要再把singaling server 建立起來,並且跟stun server 建立起自己是一個peer端
當收到type login 之後開始跟stun server 建立 ,也就是一開始先送login 資訊給signaling server ,之後signaling server 說成功 ,在client 之後去呼叫stun server 建立起自己變成一個peer connection ,所以上面的code 當type : login 收到時會呼叫 handleLogin ,下面是handleLogin 的code
//After Connected Action //Type:login //處理登入後的狀態,收到type:login的時候呼叫 function handleLogin(data) { if (data.success === false) { AddLog('[Error] : ' + data.message, 'r'); } else { //********************** //Starting a peer connection //建立起自己為一個可Connection的端點 //********************** //using Google public stun server AddLog('登入成功 :' + name, 'b'); var configuration = { "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302" }] }; // yourConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration, { optional: [{ RtpDataChannels: true }] }); yourConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration); // Setup ice handling yourConn.onicecandidate = function (event) { if (event.candidate) { AddLog('送出 candidate :' + JSON.stringify(event.candidate), 'b'); send({ type: "candidate", candidate: event.candidate }); } }; yourConn.ondatachannel = function (event) { var receiveChannel = event.channel; receiveChannel.onmessage = function (event) { AddLog(connectedUser + ": " + event.data, 'y'); }; }; //creating data channel dataChannel = yourConn.createDataChannel("channel1", { reliable: true }); dataChannel.onerror = function (error) { console.log("Ooops...error:", error); }; //when we receive a message from the other peer, display it on the screen dataChannel.onmessage = function (event) { // chatArea.innerHTML += connectedUser + ": " + event.data + "<br />"; AddLog('dataChannel.onmessage :' + connectedUser + ": " + event.data); }; dataChannel.onclose = function () { console.log("data channel is closed"); }; } };
在來就是離線呼叫的呼叫 ,就是跟 signaling server 說我要離開並且呼叫 自己本身的webrtcconnection = null
//Leave //將 RTCPeerConnection 關閉 function handleLeave() { connectedUser = null; yourConn.close(); yourConn.onicecandidate = null; name = ''; connectedUser = ''; };
source code:
-- Yesterday I wrote down the code. I bet I could be your hero. I am a mighty little programmer. 如果這篇文章有幫助到您,簡單留個言,或是幫我按個讚,讓我有寫下去的動力...