[C#] 取MySQL 中資料表(TABLE)的欄位以及相關資訊
上一篇文章,我們談到關於透過C#取MySQL 其中一資料庫中的所有TABLE
首先我們在MySQL 建立兩張資料表並且欄位如下:
test_ina9 > friends
test_ina9 > payrecord
[C#] 取MySQL 其中一資料庫中的所有TABLE
A tool for convert .net WebService(.asmx) to jquery AJAX code.
.Net WebService is something I find very convenience, service side of lots project on hand has adopted this technique.
Lately ajax has been used frequently. I've been thinking, how dose client side(.html) to call web service(.asmx) more faster.
Therefore "NO2AjaxGenerator" has been created.
The advantages as following:
1. Fastly generate javascript code to call the .Net WebService(.asmx).
2. Fully support intelligent sense of your customize object under javascript side on Visual Studio 2012.
3. Easy to use, passing parametes through JSON.
4. Having same experience in Javascript like coding in C#.
標籤: ASP.net , C# , OpenSource , WebService
[ASP.net] 關於ASP.net Chart Radar圖 的一些小東西(線的顏色、最大值、刻度消失)
最近在做一些外面的專案,對方需要統計一堆的圖,我才發現原來,ASP.net Chart 超級強大,但是太多枚枚角角
不記錄一下一定會忘記,拉入一個Chart 後調整type 為 Radar .