[OpenSource] Dashio Template 一套看起來還不錯的樣板


一個網路上的樣板,基本上,我沒有加任何的東西,只是很單純的翻成 .net Core 套入 Layout ,如果你覺得有用就幫我 star 一下專案,如果看完後,你不喜歡我的佈局方式,您可以透過下方原始的資料自己重新改寫 :)

A template from the internet . I only re-cook to .Net Core 2.2 and add Layout .

You can give me a STAR if you think it's useful. :)

If you don't like the layout I did , you can get pure source code from the below link.

Github Download : https://github.com/donma/DashioTemplateCore

Source : https://templatemag.com/dashio-bootstrap-admin-template/

Demo : https://templatemag.com/demo/Dashio/

當麻許的超技八 2014 | Donma Hsu Design.